User Guide: Technical issues

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Technical Issues

What browser do you recommend to use with WikiMapia?

The creators recommend Firefox, but WikiMapia also known to work properly with Opera and Google Chrome. For simple viewing, it may also work properly with popular browsers such as Internet Explorer and Apple Safari.

I want to send a WikiMapia page to a friend. How do I do that?

If you are using Firefox you can use File->Send link. Or you can just copy and paste the content of your browser's address bar into your e-mail message.

Can I see WikiMapia places on Google Earth?

Yes. If you have Google Earth installed you may click on our Wikimapia data layer for Google Earth. You may read some more info (in English) at Matt Jones' blog.

Can I place part of the Wikimapia map on my own web page?

Yes. Find the screen you wish to place on your page. Put your mouse over the Login menu item (or your username if you are logged in), and select "Map on your page". A popup window will appear along with the corners of a box with some HTML iframe code. A frame/box will appear outside of and below the popup that you can use to reside the HTML iframe code. To place a part of this map on your site or blog, move/resize the frame and copy the HTML iframe code to your page.

If you want to make a link to this page, you can use the URL from your browser.

How do I make a jpeg or bmp shot of the specific map?

You cannot simply copy the image from the browser. On some platforms, you can use a screen capture tool to dump the screen to an image. You may want to then use some kind of imaging software (like Microsoft Paint, for example) to manipulate and save the image. There is a Wikipedia article about screen capture that you may wish to read, and you can also post a message in the forum asking for more specific help.

How can I print the map with the names of the place tags?

The best you can do is make a screen capture (as in the previous question) and print that. It might be possible to use another application to overlay the points and names.

I clicked a WikiMapia link that someone gave me. Why am I seeing all place descriptions in Spanish now?

The person who sent you the link used Spanish as their language. Put your mouse over "WikiMapia" and select "Change language". Select a language you are comfortable with.

Is WikiMapia open source?

No. The WikiMapia software is closed source, but it uses open software such as the Google Maps API.

How can I report Wikimapia bugs?

Post a message in the WikiMapia forum, in the Bug Reports section.

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