Tham khảo nhanh menu bar

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The Wikimapia Menu Bar is the set of options that appear in red text at the top left hand corner of the browser window. There are usually four of these: "WikiMapia", "View", "Add place", "Hello, UserName".




Takes you to the Home Screen.

Change language

This gives you the option to change the language interface.

Map on your page

This gives you the option to put an embedded map on another web page. This is useful when you want to point out a specific place on your website.

WikiMapia FAQ

This brings up a short FAQ about Wikimapia.


Opens the forum.


There are three geotools on Wikimapia, which are self-explanatory: "Measure Distance or Route", "Measure Land Area", and "IP/WEB to geo location".


If you are logged in, this option will open a window containing your profile. Otherwise, it will open a window where you can log in or create a profile.


Top half - select map view

Wikimapia has six different map views, any one of which may be selected at a time.


This is the default map view. The highest zooms will show country borders. The medium views will show roads (if applicable), and first-level administration borders (ie the states of the United States, the provinces of Canada, etc.). The low level views are all satellite imagery.


This is basically a road atlas. It shows all of the roads of the current view. Some countries don't display roads.


This is a mix of the "Map" and "Satellite" views.


This is a satellite-generated image that shows an area as if you were looking down at it from space. Some areas don't have detailed satellite imagery, and appear blurry.


This is a topographical map, showing elevations.

Wikimapia map

This view shows all of the polygons and roads in Wikimapia. The category of the polygon affects its color.

Bottom half - select tag view

These five options determine which tags (or roads) to display.

No places

This view hides all tags in Wikimapia.

All places

This view shows all tags in Wikimapia.

Users map

This shows a map of all of the users in Wikimapia that have specified their location in the world. A registered user can do this by editing their profile. This also hides all tags.

Deleted places

This only appears in a registered user's menu. This option shows all deleted tags.

Roads edit

This option shows all of the roads that are marked in Wikimapia.

Category Filter

This option allows you to look for a specific place by category by filtering out other categories.

Add place

This option allows you to add a place. You must be zoomed in enough to be able to add a place; otherwise, you will get an error message.

Hello, UserName

If you are logged in, there will be one final option on the menu bar that says "Hello, UserName" This is basically a shortcut to WikiMapia - Profile.

Được dịch bởi: TheNoble

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