Be Glorious

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Sung to the tune of Государственный гимн Российской Федерации
Wikimapia – our holy project,
Wikimapia – our beloved web site.
A mighty will, great glory –
Yours given for all time!
From the southern seas to the polar lands
Spread are the forests and fields.
You are unique in the Internet, one of a kind –
Native web site protected by the admins!
Wide spaces for dreams and for living
Are opened for us by the coming years
Our loyalty to our Wikimapia gives us strength.
Thus it was, thus it is and always will be!
Be glorious, our free Wikimapia,
Age-old union of fraternal users,
Catographic wisdom given by the founders!
Be glorious, Wikimapia! We are proud of you!

See also

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