WikiMapia is an editable interactive map. The goal of Wikimapia is to create and maintain a free, complete, multilingual, up-to-date map of the whole world. Wikimapia intends to contain detailed information about every place on Earth.

These guidelines and policies are updated by Wikimapia Administration. It also may be changed as a result of user discussions. A thread must be created in the forum (features discussion), discussed and the proposed changes approved by a majority decision. Administrators should then study this proposal, and update these Wikimapia Guidelines if they agree.

Wikimapia Guidelines

1. Adding places

1.1. Any non-movable place that exist at this particular moment can be added.
1.2. A place must have at least a properly constructed outline.
1.3. By adding settlements such as cities, towns, villages and neighborhoods, a category must be properly assigned for it.
1.4. Planes and submarines, circuses and other movable objects may be added if they are unmovable at least for a week and staying still at the moment of adding.

2. Linear features

2.1. Road edit tool should be used for editing roads/streets. Roads should be named, if possible, but at least should be drawn carefully.

3. Deleting tags

Sufficient reasons for deleting a tag:
3.1. There is no place marked by this outline
3.2. Non-existent place, even if it was there in the past
3.3. Planned building or road, but the construction hasn't yet started.
3.4. Movable object or vehicle: bus, car, ferry, airplane, ship etc.; except cases described in 1.4.
3.5. A non-existent place where any event happened or may happen in the future (except for notable events)
3.6. Duplicate place
3.7. Personal house without address or any useful information

4. Users ban policy

A user may be banned by the moderators for violating any of the following reasons:
4.1. Persistent violation of current Wikimapia guidelines;
4.2. Persistent vandalism (vandalism is defined as any deliberate action intended to corrupt information);
4.3. Persistently being grossly uncivilised or disrespectful to other users;
4.4. Persistent harassment of another user;
4.5. Persistent spamming;
4.6. Being a clone (sockpuppet) of banned user;

4.7. Wikimapia Administration retains the authority to ban any user.

5. Advanced users

Any user can be promoted by Administration to advanced status for:
5.1.1. Being helpful to other users and/or Administration
5.1.2. Recognized achievements in adding/editing places or other useful information

The Administration will consider nominations for user promotion from the Advanced Users in the special section of the forum.

Advanced user may be demoted for:
5.2.1. Persistently being grossly uncivilised or disrespectful to other users;
5.2.2. Persistent harassment;
5.2.3. Persistent violation of users ban policy;

5.2.4. Wikimapia Administration retains the authority to demote any advanced user.

Country specific guidelines

6.1. India
6.1.1. India has special permission: residences may have the resident's name as the official title of the place and shall be considered the address if there is no address or street name available. The address may include the village or town name.
