Loma Linda Hills

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This is the general area of Loma Linda Hills Open Spaces, the City owns over 800 acres of superb open space with great trails for hiking and mountain biking.
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Coordinates:  34°1'23"N 117°14'35"W


  • Hello The City of Loma Linda are tearing Orange Groves out by the roots in a lovely area that people love to walk in with there family and pets. This is between Historic Mission Road and Redlands Blv this is City owned land and there is NO need to destroy this lovely area! The City of Loma Linda is lieing saying the cost of Water etc is too high to maintain but these orange groves are great producers and are picked every 6 months and support themselves there is no money out going I know I had several acres myself at one time! Please call the city and complain and save the remaining 100 acres before it is too late!!909 799-2800 Thank you!
This article was last modified 9 years ago