Dadivank (Veng (Dadivank))

Azerbaijan / Kelbecer / Veng (Dadivank)
 church, monastery, interesting place, Armenian Apostolic church, 9th century construction

The monastery was founded by St. Dadi, a disciple of Thaddeus the Apostle who spread Christianity in Eastern Armenia during the first century AD. However, The monastery was first mentioned in the 9th century. In July 2007, the grave of St. Dadi was discovered under the holy altar of the main church.[4] The princes of Upper Khachen are also buried at Dadivank, under the church's gavit.[5]

The Monastery belongs to the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, and consists of the Cathedral church of St. Astvadzadzin, the chapel and a few other buildings. The main church has Armenian script engraved into its walls, in addition to several 13th-century frescoes.[6] The bas-relief on the south facade of the cathedral at Dadivank, built in 1214, shows the princess offering the church in memory of her sons.
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Coordinates:   40°9'41"N   46°17'17"E


  • Eta bivsiy albanskie monastri.Ne Armyanskie.
  • Ну конечно по всему миру эти албанцы построили церкви,а эти армяне их присвоили!!!
  • Албанцы Кавказа после своей недолгой истории почти ничего материального не оставили. Дадиванк (монастырский комплекс) был построен армянами (10-13вв.) в труднодоступных лесах Арцаха. А к этому времени уже давно не существовало Албанское государство,которое находилось к западу от этих мест. прекрати албанцев
  • Again another childish example of turkic azeris trying to falisfy history. Why would Muslim turks build a Christian Church? Seriously ? The Caucasian Albanians had all but disspeared by 9th century, and to claim this as azeri Christian would make dead & blind retarded person to wake up and laugh. Even the Persians have had enough of azeris claiming Persian poets who ONLY WROTE in Persian as azeri turtk. But thats what happens when you have an alphabe that is changed 4 times in past 100 years, and a nation that was never recorded in history before 1918.