Bangka Belitung University

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Bangka Belitung University (UBB) was established in 2006 with the unification of three leading higher educational institutions in Bangka Belitung Province (Timah Polytechnic for Manufacturing, Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Pahlawan 12 Academy of Engineering). Through Decree Letter No.52/D/O/2006 from the Ministry of National Education, UBB set its landmark to take a central part in Indonesian higher education.

The development of new campus in Balun Ijuk has been starting. It is the UBB commitment to have a great and an integrated campus with modern and fully equipped facilities. Nowadays, 3 campuses of UBB have been operating for running the education processes effectively according to its provided curriculum.

UBB's Campusses Location
Integrated Campuss of Balunijuk, Merawang, Kabupaten Bangka
Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung

All campusses are internet accessed and have Hotspot facility in every campus to Wlan users. Online registration for student candidates can be done through UBB website. E-catalogue for information regarding books, journals in UBB libraries is also available
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Coordinates:  2°4'11"S 106°4'30"E


This article was last modified 12 years ago